Let’s talk recognition- Presenting GREAT Project in EYE

European Youth Event (EYE) takes place in Strasbourg, France in front of the European Parliament every 2 years. During this event, various partners come to collaborate under the coordination of the EP and the European Youth Forum and plan the Program of the Event which brings together more than 7000 …

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Partners Meeting hosted by YEU in Brussels

In early June all the partners gathered live for the penultimate time. As the project is reaching its final stages once again a lot was decided upon. Keep an eye on t The website and our Facebook page to get latest updates on the upcoming events.

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Unique Learning Badges

Unique Learning Badges is inspired by the developments of Mozilla Open Badges and driven by the need to better recognise the non­formal learning of young people. (Markovic & Paddison, 2014). It was developed through a European partnership of 7 organisations. The UNIQUE Learning Badges platform enables any organisation to design their unique recognition …

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Mozilla Open Badges

Mozilla Open Badges is a way to get recognition for the skills learnt anywhere, offered by Mozilla. A badge is a symbol or indicator of an accomplishment, skill, quality or interest. A digital badge is an online representation of a skill earned. However, Open Badges work in a more advanced way: Firstly they …

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Internal Tool for Validation

The Internal Tool for Validation is an online tool aimed at assisting active members of AEGEE to recognise their competences gained while taking on organisational tasks and positions within the AEGEE organisational structure. In this way the users will recognise their informal and non-formal learning happening inside the organisation, specifically for AEGEE …

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Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio

The Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio is a tool to help those doing youth work to assess and further develop their youth work competence and that of the people under their supervision. It was developed by the Council of Europe in cooperation with experts and partners such as the European Commission and …

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The C­Stick is an online digital portfolio which is developed by JES, a city lab for children and young people located in the cities of Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent (Belgium). Initially, the CStick was developed for low­-skilled young people but has already been tested successfully with a broader target group. Basically, the …

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Since 2007, the organisation Lorraine has engaged in a partnership for the implementation of two structuring tools: a Federal Charter of regional players in the AIO (Accueil, Information, Guidance) and e­skills portfolio (e­ portfolio) for the benefit of all inhabitants of Lorraine. A test version of the e­-portfolio Lorraine, called Lorfolio, was launched …

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ProfilPASS is an assessment tool, which helps to establish a systematic overview of personal strengths, skills and competences. It comprises professional experience as well as experiences gathered through family, leisure time or volunteering, thus combining formal, non­formal and informal learning. Developed by the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE), the German Institute for International Educational …

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The Volunteer Passport (France Bénévolat)

The Volunteer Passport is a link between the volunteer and voluntary and community organisations. It provides evidence on the volunteers’ skills and experience in different forms of volunteering and in all types of voluntary organisations. The passport will follow the volunteer throughout his/her volunteering career to demonstrate how he/she is developing through his/her experience. …

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